Tuesday, August 24, 2010

Layan Blog

Layan Blog ....Hari ni mari kita layan blog...So hari ni setelah puas mengodek -godek alam maya tentang blog, aku telah terjumpa beberapa laman web yang sangat menarik dan panduan -panduan yang berguna untuk memeriahkan blog anda...

So kat sini, nak bagi beberapa tips yang dipetik dari laman Blog Oh Blog

50 Creative Ways to Make Your Blog Popular

Blog ni di dalam bahasa inggeris...macam rasa tak rajin nak translate, tapi mungkin boleh letak sebahagian daripada info yang ada..lepas review, rasa -rasa tak semuanya valid atau reliable..hanya sebahagian saje kot.. so I tapis -tapis saje yang menarik k, kalau selebihnya nak tahu, just klik kat laman web dia ok??

Tips yang boleh dipakai ialah:
  1. Start a controversy. Just remember not to cross the line. (yang positif sahaja..)
  2. Start a contest. Make sure to end it too. (menarik!!)
  3. Give away free goodies. People love them. (mcm x sesuai je..??)
  4. Write about other bloggers to interest their visitors to read your blog. Keep it positive. (good)
  5. Interview other bloggers and post the interview.
  6. Write about your personal life sometimes. (good idea)
  7. Ask questions to your visitors. (good idea)
  8. Share some secrets. (good idea)
  9. Celebrate your birthday with your visitors. Think of innovative ways for doing this. (good idea)
  10. Celebrate your blog’s birthday too. (good idea)
  11. Write something funny or disgusting. (Don’t make it a habit) (good idea)
  12. Make a bumper sticker with your blog’s name and stick it on your car. (Just make sure you drive often) (good idea)
  13. Write an e-book and distribute it to your visitors for free. (good idea)
  14. Introduce a commission based affiliate program. (good idea)
  15. Tell your visitors about your latest fad or obsession. (good idea)
  16. Post interesting pictures of your pets. (good idea)
  17. Congratulate the top commentators occasionally. (good idea)
  18. Encourage sharing of opinions. (good idea)
  19. Write about your blog achievements. 
  20. Write about your hobbies and interests. (For example, if you like cooking, post a new recipe)
  21. ..... ok yang selebihnya baca sendiri ok... :)
ok, habis kisah ni, nak promote juga satu lagi website Islamic yang sangat menarik hati, Alhabib Islamic Web Service  , semua widgets kat dalam tu simple dan menarik dan sangat sesuai untuk memeriahkan blog ni dengan suasana Islam, mengingati Allah swt...harap banyak lagi designer kat luar tu yang menghasilkan laman web seumpamanya... ok.. adios... Selamat Berbuka...

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